tisdag 5 april 2011

Blog assignment 2 (ENGAT2)

How would you measure success?

If you ask this question you’ll find that some people measure it by how much money they earn. Some might say it’s by the career path they’ve chosen. Some people might even say that they measure it by the state of their health. It feels like the majority of people nowadays measure it by their materialistic possessions such as art, jewelry, and the amount of cars that they own or the size of their house.

At a younger age I can recall measuring success in terms of how many friends I had. If I was liked or disliked.

If you search for this question on-line you’ll get thousands of hits. My eyes went sore from browsing through the first few pages. The reason wasn’t sleep deprivation or a low quality computer screen. The reason for my sore eyes was that it seemed that everyone had an opinion on what/how I should be doing in order to be successful. Books, seminars, courses, meditation and even organic foods are just a few of the ways to attempt improvement of your success according to some of the results on-line.

Now, the right to different opinions in all honor, but it feels like something has gone missing from the earlier stages of one’s life. As I mentioned two paragraphs earlier I could recall measuring success as a child by the amount of friends I had. This makes me reflect upon exactly what it was that could cause a person to be liked/disliked. Personality. Something that came from the inside. So why is it that so many people, for some reason, start measuring success with things that come “from the outside”?

It is my humble opinion that success is measured individually and should only be decided by oneself. If you feel successful, who is to say that you aren’t? I guess it’s up to what type of scale you use. It’s different for everyone.

So I ask you – how would you measure success?

2 kommentarer:

  1. My question to you is: Why should I measure success? Success is as you say different for different individuals and it also changes throughout life. As a baby success might be the first step and that is probably more success for the parents than for the baby. Then it might be learning how to ride a bike, learning how to read, getting good grades, earning lot of money and so on. A good grade might be a 3, 4 or a 5 on a scale from 1 to 5 and a good salary might be 20000 or 50000 krona per month all depending on the individual. How can you measure success? Is 100 close friends more or less success than 100 millions in the bank?

  2. I think success is individual, and not necessarily based on money. Success to me, is to find a job where I feel like i belong, and to get up in the mornings and enjoy what i'm doing. Success is to me, also the well-being of my family and friends... To live a happy life..
