One of the many things that i think about from time to time is privacy. Usually my thoughts revolve around the ever-decreasing amount of privacy we are left with from day to day. The reasons vary greatly. Some reasons for giving up privacy are said to be for more advanced and “intelligent” programs. Other reasons are said to be for our own "security”.
During the coming 5 year period I believe one will still notice, given that there is a keen level of observance, the small steps taken in the direction of less privacy in return for more "security” and “more suitable” programs. It is my understanding that since the changes are so small they are barely noticed, if even noticed at all.
The following 40-45 years will most definitely, in my opinion, have shown great changes and will probably have reached a state where privacy is a privilege and not a right. I think it privacy will still be available, only to a great cost. Only then, when we have lost it, will we realize its true value and maybe try to regain our rights in return for slightly “dumbed down” programs and processes.
These thoughts of mine are based on what I constantly run into and read/hear from different news sources. The small changes in societal trends on what is considered ok, the tiny bits of information that keep being asked of one when registering a product or an account anywhere, the databases containing personal data that are being sold behind the curtains. All these small and, to many, unnoticeable changes that keep pushing the limit of what people allow to be acceptable parts of their privacy being public. All these, and many more, reasons are what makes me think that we soon won’t have any privacy left in the future.
Personally I never think about my privacy. Maybe that is why I think it is quite difficult to follow your reasoning. Perhaps you should add a few examples and explain more in detail what you mean with for instance privacy and programs.
SvaraRaderaI see what you mean and I agree with you. Privacy is very important and something that we should value a bit more then we do today. I hope that you are wrong in your predictions that we will gradually lose privacy but I can't argue against your resoning.
SvaraRaderaIt is very possible that we will have less privecy in the future, but we have given away a big part of our privecy our selves through different websites such as facebook. However, i think that a little less privacy for better security is acceptable but only in a certain degree.
SvaraRaderai would actually have to agree to what "Bess" said. id prefer to have a little less privacy, for more and better security.
SvaraRaderabut i did like how you thought of something other than your personal life to write about. I found it quite difficult to think of something haha
I think that we should have the right to have a lot of privacy if we want. Maybe if every person would have the privacy needed we wouldnt have so much crime and the need for protection. I dont know, but it seems like we have to ask for everything we do now days. How did we end up this way? I woul've loved to live when we were free and lived in the woods :)