After I finished watching the Story of Stuff I felt an urgent need to go through all my stuff to make sure none of it was laying around somewhere in the house where it would be ready to be disposed of.
I must say that the video got me thinking a little more about the whole issue. Never before had I given any thought to exactly how the low prices on certain things could actually be lowered to those levels.
It is a real pity and a real shame that the general public has allowed themselves to be valued depending on how much they spend and/or consume. Whats even worse is that the different advertisements one is being bombarded with actually affect some, if not many, of us.
In retrospect it is my understanding that I haven't been as careless as I can imagine many others are when it comes to consuming and/or spending. But I can, without a doubt in my mind, state that I will most definitely be putting a lot more effort when it comes to maintaining the sustainability of any electronic equipment that crosses my path.
Totally agree with you regarding some of the thoughts you shared on your blog.
SvaraRaderaHow cheap some of the things you buy actually are, when you start to think that it's not possible to produce at such low price.
The fact that we are highly affected of advertisement is also depressing...
I actually came to the same conclusion as you. I don't buy that much stuff (mostly because I don't have so much money and I'm not very fond of home decoring) but when I do I selldom reflect upon the prices. In the back of my mind I know that cheap things tend to be produced in countries where the people are poorly payed and that most of those people can't buy what they produce. Still I choose to buy cheap things since I feel that I can't afford it otherwise. I try to do my part to help the world by buying fair trade products and giving the things that I don't need to second hand shops or to friends. Still I know It's not enought. We have to incorporate living with nature in our every day life to save both the enviroment and the poor people in the third world.